Creating a menu board is a simple process and can be accomplished in a few different ways with the Revel Digital platform. The basic approach would be to simply add a number of text zones to a template, and while this works, it's not as robust as using our Menu Board Gadget. This article will detail the process of creating a menu board using this gadget.
Here is a screenshot of the end goal. We will be creating a simple menu board with a handful of menu items pulled from Google Sheets.
The template itself is very simple consisting of a background image, logo, menu title, shape, and the menu board gadget.
Copy Sample from Template Gallery
Go to Templates and click New Template > From Gallery
Select the Menu 2 sample template and click Copy
Now the template will be available for editing which we will do by clicking Design Template
Once in the designer, click the preview button to see how the template looks.
Customize Menu Items
Copy the Google Sheet
Now let's change some menu items. The menu item data originates from a spreadsheet in Google Sheets. For those not familiar, Google Sheets is an online spreadsheet app that lets users create and format spreadsheets and simultaneously work with other people. The sheet we are using in the sample is located here:
In order to customize this data you will need to copy the sheet, or create a new sheet of your own and copy the cells. We will simply copy the entire sheet. Click the File menu, then Make a copy..
Share the sheet to generate a link
Click the Share button at the top right of the page to open the share dialog, then click More.., followed by Anyone with a link
This will generate a link which you will need to copy.
Back in the template designer, you will double click the Gadget 1 zone to open the properties and paste your new link into the Published spreadsheet URL input box.
Now the menu items are originating from your own sheet.
Let's add a new price column for Large items
As with the other price columns, you'll need a header, for this example, we used the letter L. Then populate the column with pricing for the various items.
Now when we preview our template again you'll see the new pricing column appear.
Changing the menu board format
The menu board gadget has a number of predefined layouts to choose from including:
Modern |
Classic |
Classic (No dots) |
Classic (Names only) |
Centered |
To change the layout simply open the gadget properties and make a new selection. You can also change the styles of any of the text elements.
We're done! Now just save and schedule the template to play on any of your devices.
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