Playlists are a fundamental element of the Revel Digital platform responsible for defining which content to play as well as the order to play it in.
A playlist consists of a series of sources. In most cases a source will be a media item such as an image or video, but a source could also be an RSS feed, web page, command, template, or even another playlist.
Creating a new playlist
To create a new playlist, navigate Playlists and click the New Playlist button.
There are a few playlists types to select from including:
- Multimedia Playlist
Compatible with every media type supported by the Revel Digital platform including videos, images, YouTube, etc. - Slideshow Playlist
Only compatible with image sources such as JPG, PNG, RSS, Web Pages, etc. The slideshow playlist is generally used when special transitions between images is required. - Marquee Playlist
This playlist is specifically designed to be used with the Marquee zone in a template. A marquee is scrolling text. - Template Playlist
This playlist is similar to the Multimedia playlist but may also contain templates.
Adding Sources
Once created, you can begin adding your sources. Click the green box to open the source dialog.
The following dialog will appear where you may select your source type, source items, and the duration (in seconds). The duration determines how long each source item will display for and can always be adjusted later as necessary.
The following source types are available:
- Media
Any form of compatible media including images, video, PDF, PowerPoint, etc - RSS
Embed media from an RSS feed URL - YouTube
Embeds a YouTube video - Web Page
Captures and embeds a web page as an image - Playlist
Embeds another playlist. The playlist may be inlined in it's entirety, or source by source using Loop Policies - Template
Embeds a template - Command
Triggers a command - Vistar Media
Embed advertising from a linked Vistar media account - Place Exchange
Embed advertising from a linked Place Exchange account
Sequencing Sources
The sequence or order of the sources can be changes by dragging the source to the desired position. The number in the lower-right corner of the source item shows the position within the playlist.
Finishing Up
Once your sources have been assigned, save the playlist and it can then be assigned to a schedule, or a specific zone in a template.
Advanced Options
Source Scheduling
Individual source items may have their own schedule. This is the same Smart Scheduling available to top-level schedules, but is unique to a single source item. This is a very powerful feature in that it provides the ability to perform scheduling right within the playlist rather than having to use multiple top-level schedules.
To access scheduling, click the Schedule tab at the top of source dialog.
Now define any number of condition for When or Where you would like this source item to play.
Loop Policies
A loop policy is a method for automating the population of a playlist based on a policy or rule. Loop policies require a fixed playlist duration along with one more sources with a designated loop policy.
The following Loop Policies are available:
- Over Saturate
Play this source X number of times per loop - Post Fill
Fill any unused time at the end of the playlist - Pre Fill
Fill any used time at the start of the playlist - Randomize
Randomly place this source anywhere in the loop - Spread Fill
Fill any unused time by spreading this source evenly throughout the playlist - Under Saturate
Play the source once every X loops
Remember, in order to utilize loop policies the playlist must have a predefined duration. Configure this duration in the playlist properties.
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